• 秀兰·邓波和在此娱乐片中担任主角,乔治·墨菲和杰米·杜朗特在剧中客串踢踏舞者。百茜是一个被旅店经理收养的孤儿,旅店经理常租借房子给表演者们,旅店客人都抱怨歌声骚扰了他们,并扬言要把百茜送回孤儿院去。电影最精华之处在于秀兰·邓波儿演唱的歌“我们应该在一起”和与乔治·墨菲一起表演的踢踏舞“乐观点”。
  • 呆子

    The Saphead is a 1920 comedy film featuring Buster Keaton. It was the actor's first starring role in a full-length feature and the film that launched his career.The plot was a merging of two stories, Bronson Howard's play The Henrietta and the novel The New Henrietta by Victor Mapes and Winchell Smith, which was meant to be an adaption of Howard's play.
  • 艾丽丝·菲娅、杰克哈特和秀兰·邓波儿一起在这动人的音乐片中献技出演。富有的连续剧制片商只知埋首工作,经常忽略了女儿芭芭拉。一次偶然的机会,芭芭拉参加了电台的演出,并在另一家连续剧中试演成功,一跃成为电台明星。